Holiday Newsletter 2013


RMS Holiday Newslettersnow-globe.jpg
News and Information for AdvancedCare Members
Special Holiday Greetings to all our AdvancedCare members!
Programming recently released an update. All hosted RMS users should download this update when prompted.  For information on the update you can log into and go to the Knowledgebase article, RMS Update History. PC based users need to say YES to the update after it downloads in order for it to install or apply to your PC-based system.  If your version information reads anything but please send us an email or give us a call and let us know so that we can assist you in getting the latest update.  
If you have not tried out File Managerto Upload Unit photos and export reports find out more information about it in the article below.  We also have our end of year reminders in this RMS Newsletter.  Old Newsletters are always available in the
Newsletters Archive.
File Manager Makes Uploading Photos Easy!
Check out File Manager today!
You can login on any browser, on any computer and upload photos, logos, any files to your RMS!  File Manager keeps them organized for you just like the RMSFTP utility.  Check it out:
1. Go to
2. Scroll down to Web Services and select the File Manager icon
3. Enter your Username and Password.
4. You will see the Unit Photos, Custom Letters, Attachments, Exports and Online Content tabs as shown in the picture above!
  • To upload photos you will use this icon , Browse to the photos on your pc and then choose 5 or 6 to upload.
  • To download an export report you created such as previous renters emails. Run the report in RMS.  Next login to File Manager.  Click the Export Tab.  Then choose the file to export.  A drop down menu will give you the download option.  Just click on it!
Seriously it is that simple!
A demonstration is available at  

Annual Procedures in RMS


  1.  Complete all Monthly Procedures for December 2013.
  2.  Print Owner Copy Unit Totals as needed.  Go to Reports>Owner Reports>1099's and Unit Totals.
  3.  Print 1099's. RMS will print the federal 1099 information for the Owners and the Vendors.  RMS will also create a file you may send the IRS if you choose to submit the 1099s that way.  The 1099s should be printed after the statements for the last month of the year have been finalized.  Keep in mind that the information you entered and maintained in RMS is the data that will be reported.
  4. Upgrade Unit's Date File - ONLY IF NEEDED.  This option will drop the first year tracked and build a new calendar year for booking.  Make sure you are done with the first year before running this utility.  Some reports will no longer be available, but all your reservation data will still be at your fingertips.  If you need assistance with this utility please call RMS Support. 
  5. Update Unit Rates.  You can run the Rental Rate Listing, found in the Reports Menu>Unit Reports, to check your rates for the new year.  Remember rates must be changed in the Unit Rate File.  If you want to change the dates the rates change, go to the Seasons File to edit the dates.
Questions?  Give us a call, email or submit a ticket at  843.795.4110 800-366-5152 
Wishing you a Safe and Prosperous
New Year!
In This Issue

Our Distribution Partners

RMS partners with FlipKey,  TripAdvisor and HomeAway to offer property managers a way to promote their listings to millions of travelers monthly.  Gather reviews and publish them to your website .





RMS  Partners with

Glad to Have You!


Find out more: visit




RMS  Welcomes


 Property Management made easy with no keys, no cards, no lock outs,
no problem!




Travel Insurance in RMS 


Do you offer Travel Insurance for your guests?
RMS makes it easy.  Travel Insurance will calculate automatically at the time of booking.  Travel insurance provides you with extra revenue at no extra cost.  Choose from one of our partners:  

New TG




Credit Card Processing in RMS 


RMS makes it easy for you to process credit cards in RMS by offering you integration with  leading credit card processors in the industry.

VRP small logo




AdvancedCare members receive ongoing unlimited support, automatic updates, training, quarterly RMS Newsletters, live online support, access to video tutorials, report generator assistance, affordable onsite assistance, additional PC license discounts and more.


19 December 2013, 16:35